Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Keeping my head above water

There have been numerous times in the last month that I have opened up my blog wanting to post, and just simply find that the words escape me.  At one time, I would have called this writers block, today, I just call it stressed and not very sure how to structure my thoughts.  Work has my head spinning....and not in the good kind of way.  I told my manager last week that I needed "Firefighter" added to my title on my business card.  All I seemed to do last week was put out fire after fire, or at least try to.  What should take a mere phone call turns into a 2-3 hour ordeal and I then do not have time to take care of other important stuff. My numbers were dismal for January and February and I am not sure how March is shaping up.  I don't know where to start to get things on track. 

More and more it seems that I sit and stare at my laptop or my huge list of things I need to do.  This is so counter productive because I actually get nothing done, but a good stare into space.  Maybe it is the cold weather....I do not know.  I just seem very over whelmed lately. This leads to not sleeping well, neck and back pain, and my favorite...headaches.  When I get stressed or over whelmed I seem to withdraw and spend more and more time in my own head...which is not always the best place to be.  I guess it would be nice if I had a big "win" or sale come through....or even a good break through with some of the accounts I have been working on.

Sorry for being down in the dumps....I am super ready for warm weather.