Monday, January 20, 2014

33 week appointment

I feel like I am always driving the 30 minutes to the doctor’s office.  I know, I should have changed doctor’s when we moved out to St. Charles, but I was starting to go meet with the fertility doctor or was just referred to him when we moved.  I really didn’t want to go through a whole find a new doctor kind of thing when I really like the doctor I have and how he was on board with not making me wait much longer before referring me to a specialist.

I gained 2 pounds in 2 weeks so I was happy about that.  (When are you ever happy to see a +2 on the scale???  I was actually coaxing the scale to move in the up direction.)  My belly grew and I measured 32 weeks (a week behind is an ok measurement)!  However, I really do not have that big of a belly people say.  I mean I am up 17 pounds this week so it is not like I haven’t gained any weight. I just must be putting it on all over the place. I know my face is fatter which I do hate…I feel puffy all the time.  I also know I have an ass for the first time in like 10 years (when I started my weight watchers journey.)  My boobs have grown again and I just hate that I had to buy another new bra for not much longer.  I wish there was some pill, I could have taken at the beginning of my pregnancy to stop my boobs from growing and the whole shebang.

Side note:  I am not planning on breast feeding.  I have never ever wanted to.  I am not remembering if I have mentioned this in past posts before.  My mother did not breast feed my sister or me (maybe that has something to do with my thoughts on the matter.) Yes, I know that it is good for the baby, yes I do know that there are antibodies passed in breast milk that are not passed via the placenta.  (If you want to get technical, the IgG form passes the placenta and the IgA form is passed in breast milk).  Mind you, the IgA only lasts 30 days…hell I do have a masters in Immunology.  I turned out just find and was not a sick child or really a sick person in general.  Breast feeding makes me uncomfortable.  I am all for people breast feeding in privacy.  I have problems with breast feeding in public, even when covered up. I just wish people would pump and bottle feed breast milk in public.  However, that being said, it is your right to do so and it is my right to formula feed.  Until now, I have not vocalized my thoughts on breast feeding, so what betting place where I can be open and honest. I would appreciate the same gesture….I have been lectured over and over by people, strangers mainly. I smile and politely end the conversation.  So if I offend you on my side note, I am sorry, not my intentions. 

Back to my appointment:  Nolan is still breech.  I swear to you, he is doing the opposite of turning downward. He is moving straight up into my ribs.  I guess they make a fun jungle gym.  I am surprised he hasn’t knocked a rib out yet.  I discussed this with my doctor. I  will have another ultrasound at my next week’s appointment, I will be 35 weeks or almost 36 depending on which due date you go by, and if he is still breech we will go ahead and schedule my c section for February 20th.  I think I may have had a little panic attack in the room.  Holy hell, that is only 5 weeks away……now 4 and a half weeks.  There is so much I still need to do.  That is a week before my LMP due date of 2/27.  However, the ultrasound put my due date at 3/3.  However, my doctor is out of town at a conference for both of my due dates, so if I want him to do the c section we will do 2/20 (which I do want him if possible).  So stay tuned to the January 28th ultrasound.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, can't wait for the Jan 28th ultrasound :) And you are totally fine expressing your opinion. I don't know why people think it's ok to tell you what is right/wrong... I'm sure they wouldn't appreciate you going off about your views of public breastfeeding (which, btw, I totally agree.... awkward when boobs are out in a restaurant, just saying).
