Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The 5th Month

I can hardly believe how fast time is going by. Next Tuesday, Little Man will be 6 months old.  He is so big and is developing so fast.  We are eating food for breakfast and dinner now. Breakfast consists of oatmeal cereal and a fruit of some sort mixed in.  We have really stuck to prunes to help keep him loose, but have tried pears and peaches now. For dinner, we have tried sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, and peas.  He loves peas the best so far. He was not a fan of the Gerber sweet potatoes and carrots, but gobbles down the home made ones I have done by steaming and putting them in my food processor.  Squash is not liked so much, but they say you need to introduce something to them 10 times before you rule anything out.  I was hoping that by starting pureed solids we would sleep through the night.  Boy was I wrong.  We have regressed in the sleep department.  By 10 weeks old, Nolan was only getting up once in the night between 3 and 4am.  Now we wake up multiple times.  I am at a loss.  I am considering seeing a sleep nurse to help us.We have tried the cry it out method and that does not work.  Nolan will not cry himself to sleep yet.  He has the lungs and stamina of an energizer bunny.

He is rolling from both his back to stomach and now stomach to back. He wants to be help upright and loves to "stand" on your lap.  He is not so great at sitting up and really doesn't have a desire to.  He giggles and babbles and his smile still melts my heart.  He reaches for everything. He pulls the toys down off his car seat.  If you hold something out to him, he can grab it.  Everything goes into his mouth.  J calls it exploring!  He really wants our cell phones in his mouth.  A blue solo cup is one of his favorite toys too.  He still loves books, touch and feel ones especially.

We have 2 teeth!  The bottom 2 have popped up and boy are those suckers sharp.  I stuck my finger in his mouth to see if he was cutting any more when he bit down on me and actually broke the skin on my finger.  Poor little man is a puddle of drool and I know cutting teeth is super painful.  I am not against giving him Tylenol at bedtime, just wish it lasted longer than 4 hours.  I had 12 teeth by the time I turned one, so I am thinking he is following in his mama's footsteps.

Noles still loves the water.  Bath time is the favorite time of the day. He kicks and splashes water everywhere.  He has also found his penis, which he grabs and tugs the whole bath as well.  I had no idea that little boys find their penis's so early and as J says, he will never let it go now.  I just have to laugh.  Hopefully I can break him of this in public!  He loves the swimming pool and riding on the boat.  I think I have a water baby on my hands. We take him for a walk most evenings and he loves doing that too.

We can not seem to beat a darn upper respiratory thing.  He coughs and has a runny nose but his lungs are clear.  The doctor thinks it is reflux so we started him on Pepsid and who knows if that is working or not.  He has the biggest wet burps still, so who knows.  My child likes to keep things interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe he is almost 6 months old! Man, time does fly. I love getting a glimpse of what I have to look forward to... I'm already picturing the evening walks :) Weird question.... have you thought about chiropractors for reflux? Our chiro has adjusted babies as young as 4 hours old. Getting them straightened out is supposed to help with digestion. Obviously, you want someone trained on babies, but it is supposed to work miracles.
