Thursday, September 4, 2014

Half Birthday Party

Birthdays have always been a pretty big deal to me. I me, come on, I would celebrate my entire birth month.  I think this started on my own 6 month birthday.  My mom  served half of a cake with a half of a candle.  So of course, we had to do the same for Nolan.   My Mama flew into St. Louis for a visit on August 19th,which just happened to be Nolan’s half birthday.  We made a funfetti cake, J’s favorite with blue icing to have after dinner.  We did not cut it in half, but I did press the candle very far down so it was only half as tall as a normal candle.  

We even sang Happy Birthday, but sang it as:Hap Birth to you, Hap Birth to you, Hap Birth to Nol, Hap Birth to you…..basically half of each work.  I know my husband thinks my mother and I are nuts.   Nolan totally stuck his hand in the icing and we had to make sure he didn’t put his blue iced fingers in his mouth.    So he is really going to be ready come his first birthday party with his own cake.


  1. ha! Love this tradition :) and love that his half birthday is Avery's actual birthday.

  2. That’s so sweet of you! Very less people celebrated the half birthday and there are people like me who loves celebrating it every month. I love my daughter and it has been 8 months that I am celebrating her birth monthly. I will probably book one of the finest San Francisco venues for her first birthday party.
