Wednesday, October 29, 2014


On October 10, 2014, Nolan had tubes put into both ears.  I know this is a very common thing now a days and I was not worried about him going under anesthesia at all.  After everything we have gone through, all the antibiotics, the endless doctor appointments, and months of sleepless nights, I was super excited for Nolan to finally get relief in his little head. 
Dr. Clary is the same ENT that Ellen, J’s sister has gone to forever and done my nephew Alex’s tubes.  He does the surgery at Frontenac surgery center, which is a super nice center and it was so nice to not be in a hospital  We were scheduled for the first surgery of the day, 7am and we to arrive at 6am.  I was told Nolan was not allowed to have any food or formula after midnight and no water or juice after 3 am. I asked if apple/prune juice was ok and was told yes.  However, when we went to do pre op, I was told since he had the prune in the juice the anesthesiologist may not let us proceed due to something with the juice…apple alone would have been fine.  (I also only gave him 1 ounce of juice diluted with 5 ounces of water.)  Then the amount I gave him was too much.  I was never told he could only have 4 ounces at 3am.  It was a mess and I felt awful and I am sure I got the nurse who did pre op on the phone in trouble.  I was on the verge of tears and J was even more irritated than usual.

Luckily, they just wanted to wait until 8am to do the surgery. Nolan was so good. He woke up when I put him in his car seat at 5:30am and did not fall back asleep which worried me since we could not feed him anything.  He charmed all the nurses and staff as well.  Once they finally took him back, we went to the waiting room for about 15 minutes.  Dr. Clary came out and talked to us and gave us the drops to put in his ears for the next 3 days.  He was able to clean out all the gunk and puss in Noles’s ears.  He also warned us that he could have woken up in a bad mood or cranky.  I made a bottle and a nurse came out to get us. My little man was all smiles and apparently woke up smiling.  He is just too much!

I thought he would be droggy and want to sleep the rest of the day…..WRONG! I had a wild man on my hands.  He was babbling so loud. I think he could finally hear himself. I am just happy he can finally hear and hopefully we will be ear infection free!

1 comment:

  1. hahaha - that is great news! sounds like he woke up feeling great :) amen for relief
