I am very fortunate to have such friendships in my life, some old and one very old. I'd like to dedicate today to those special people in my life that are always there for me, no matter what and no questions asked.
For some strange reason, my best girl friends have been named Sara(h)....weird, I know. My Sara without an h became a fast friend in body rhymics class our freshman year at Shepton High School. We were also in Mrs. Pittenger's 5th period science class. We were not allowed to sit next to each other after the first 6 weeks. Sara and I were National Champion Stallionettes, Plano Dance Force, and basically trouble in a T top camero! We were nicknamed Thelma and Louise (no we won't drive off a cliff.) We had a falling out after we graduated and almost 9 years later picked up where we left off. It is amazing that we were able to catch up so effortlessly and now I can't imagine not having my BFF around. She is there for me as I am for her. No questions asked. I am sure more adventures to come. This is one of my favorite pictures of us, somewhere circa 1997. The latter one is from my bridal shower in August 2011.
My Sarah with an H came into my life summer of 2001 at YMCA Camp Lakewood. I knew her at Dutchess and she knew me as Paga. We had a crazy fun summer. If you have never worked at a summer camp, it is hard to understand. Relationships just develop faster. She is the reason I moved to St. Louis to go to SLU for graduate school. She has since moved to Virginia, Alaska, and now back to Missouri. She has a great husband and 2 gorgoeus little girls (twins). As most people in life, we don't talk on the phone as much as we used to, but pick right back up where we left off. She is a true and true friend.
Now we move to my Arkansas tride and true family. I was so blessed with the best group of guys from college. Ironically, I dated one of their friends sophomore year at the University of Arkansas and gained his friends in the break up. Robin is my BBFF (boy bff), we are basically the same person, just he's a boy. He gets me without my having to explain anything. We are both anaytical and need a solution on paper for why something happens or works. He is family and made the best brides man ever. He looked so secure in his manhood when holding my bridal bouquet when my sister had to adjust my veil....I'll post pics when I get them. My 2 ushers, Hott and Dave, have also been the best of friends. We are silly, fun, and call a mean hog. Hott married Jen, almost 6 years ago and she fits in so well with our group. I am protective of my boys as they are of me and so happy to have her in my corner as well.
love you :) and totally love that pic of us... was actually just looking at it the other day. Realized when I clicked over here that I have not had a chance to catch up with you! You need to call me :)