Monday, February 20, 2012

G is for Go Cart

My in laws purchased a small house in a marina on the Mississippi river. My husband was the one to find the house and knew I would not go for buying it ourselves. He then talked his dad into buying the 900 square foot 2 bedroom house. We have spent the last few months painting and ripping out carpet (when I say we, I mean Jay and crew, I am not allowed to paint.) Yesterday, we moved the furniture in (again, we is Jay and my 2 brother in laws), I put sheets on the beds and washed the dirty dishes.

Right after the house was purchased, Andy, J's sister's husband, bought a go-cart for the boys for Christmas. Peyton loves going to the Boat House and playing with all the toys. We have his bike down there, all his remote control cars, and J bought a 3 wheeler (peyton can only ride with J on this). I see a lot of summer nights spent at the boat house, but I thought I would share this cute picture of peyton and my nephew Luke yesterday before they rode through the mud.

1 comment:

  1. How fun! I want in :)

    PS: how do you get banned from painting? I am currently signed up to help paint a room and feel unqualified ;)
